Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Sprint Galaxy S2 Set for 4G
The Sprint edition of the Samsung Galaxy S2
, dubbed the Samsung Within, has passed through the FCC and it looks to have WiMAX functionality, meaning it will be a 4G powerhouse. This is good news for the Galaxy S2, and it might actually be a good thing that the Galaxy S2 had a delayed release in the States. If the Within is a 4G smartphone, there's no doubt that the other versions for the other U.S. carriers will also be 4G enabled.
Samsung Galaxy S2 Hits 5M
Samsung has announced that in 85 days, they have sold 5 million units of the Samsung Galaxy S2
, and that's not including the United States! With the rumor that August will be the month that the Galaxy S2 arrives in the States, one has to wonder how much more they'll be able to sell.
Samsung has released the map above to show what countries the Galaxy S2 has hit. Samsung has done an amazing job with the global release of the Galaxy S2 and with the U.S. release on the horizon, Samsung is expecting to hit 10 million.
Samsung has released the map above to show what countries the Galaxy S2 has hit. Samsung has done an amazing job with the global release of the Galaxy S2 and with the U.S. release on the horizon, Samsung is expecting to hit 10 million.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Samsung Galaxy S2 To Arrive on Verizon First?
With the announcement that the Samsung Galaxy S2
will finally land in the U.S., rumors are abound that the Verizon version of the Galaxy S2, that has been named the Samsung Function, will arrive on August 12. Shortly thereafter, the other various versions of the Galaxy S2
will be seen on the other U.S. carriers. It looks like the future is looking brighter for Samsung!
Monday, July 25, 2011
Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 on 7/28/2011
It looks like the Verizon version of the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1
with 4G LTE connectivity is about to be released soon. People who have preordered this device have reported a shipping date of 7/26, which means it's probably going to be reaching doorsteps on 7/28. There's also been displays of the Galaxy Tab 10.1 in certain Verizon stores, so it looks like it's pretty much right around the corner.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Samsung Galaxy 3D?
Rumors are abound that Samsung may be entering into the 3D market now with a 3D version of the Galaxy. HTC and LG are currently the leads when it comes to 3D technology that doesn't need glasses on smartphones, and if Samsung were to enter, it would not only expand the market but put another dent against their Korean competitor LG. While HTC is doing well, LG has consistently been performing negatively with Samsung dominating in its home country of Korea as well as globally.
It is also rumored that the Samsung Galaxy 3D will be powered by a new 1.2 GHz processor, though no one seems to know if it will be single or dual core. In addition, it seems Android 4.0 will be the OS of choice. It will be interesting to see if this rumor turns out to be true or not.
It is also rumored that the Samsung Galaxy 3D will be powered by a new 1.2 GHz processor, though no one seems to know if it will be single or dual core. In addition, it seems Android 4.0 will be the OS of choice. It will be interesting to see if this rumor turns out to be true or not.
Friday, July 22, 2011
The Nexus S Arrives on AT&T
Eight months after being released for T-Mobile, the Nexus S
is landing on AT&T on July 24th. Sprint has already grabbed their version of the Nexus S and upgraded it to 4G, but the AT&T version will not have that same type of upgrade. The Nexus S landing on AT&T's network will be pretty much the same Nexus S found on T-Mobile's network, with a different radio to get on a different network. It's a bit of a timing blunder as the new iPhone
is on its way to AT&T, and 8 months after its initial release is pretty much end of lifecycle for many smartphones.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Samsung Galaxy S2 4G Available in Canada!
Virgin Mobile and Bell Mobility in Canada have officially released the Samsung Galaxy S2 4G. Buying the phone outright will be a little under $600, but on a one year contract through Bell, it will be $574.95 and on a two year contract, $549.95. The three year price will be a few cents under $170 for both carriers.
Canadians, do us proud and buy those beautiful Samsung Galaxy S2 smartphones!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Samsung Galaxy S2 - US Release in August!
It's been reported by the Yonhap News that Shin Jong-kyun, president of Samsung's mobile business and digital imaging, announced that the Galaxy S2
will be released in the U.S. next month!
It looks like the Samsung Galaxy S2
will finally make its debut in the U.S., though the variants have yet to be announced. It's interesting to note that the August release date is somewhere around the same timeframe that Apple is rumored to release the iPhone 5. Seems like August is going to be heavily competitive month for smartphones!
It looks like the Samsung Galaxy S2
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Introducing the Samsung Galaxy R
It looks like another addition to the Galaxy line up is on its way. The Samsung Galaxy R is the in-between smartphone, better than the original Galaxy S
but cheaper than the existing Galaxy S2
. It seems to be a fairly bold move by Samsung to release a smartphone that's similar to the Galaxy S2, but it seems to be a good idea for capturing the market that can't afford the S2.
Monday, July 18, 2011
CyanogenMod 7 Nightly - Samsung Galaxy S2
It looks like the Samsung Galaxy S2
can now be added to the list of Samsung manufactured Android handsets that will have CyanogenMod 7 builds on the Galaxy S2. These aren't Release Candidate (RC) releases, so there is a chance that certain functionality won't work with the build. Though, if you do have the Galaxy S2 and just cannot wait to get CyanogenMod 7, this is your chance!
Samsung Galaxy Q - Smartphone/Tablet Hybrid
The Samsung Galaxy Q is rumored to be a 5.3 inch smartphone/tablet hybrid electronic device. It's being rumored that the device will be shown off in September at IFA 2011 in Berlin. If true, the Galaxy Q will be among the first hybrid devices to be released. While the Galaxy Tab did have the capability to be used for phone calls, it wasn't originally offered and it is a bit large to be used as a phone.
According to a Yahoo News Korea post, the Samsung Galaxy Q will be a WCDMA device as and a 4G compatible version will be released as well. It will be interesting to see if this turns out to be true as a 5.3 inch smartphone/tablet hybrid device will be an interesting addition to a competitive environment.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Apple > HTC
In surprising news, Apple seems to be gaining ground in their ITC complaint against HTC. HTC was the second targeted manufacturer by Apple after Samsung. Apparently 2 of the 10 patents Apple has laid claim to have been taken by HTC. Unfortunately it seems these 2 patents are core piece of Android. This means that the IT complaint levied on the Samsung Galaxy devices may end up having some merit.
Samsung Droid Charge Review
While technically not in the Samsung Galaxy line up, the Droid Charge still has enough familiar characteristics to be considered a close cousin. The Droid Charge features many of the same design elements as well as the hardware and software found in the Samsung Galaxy S.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Gingerbread Powered Samsung Epic 4G
According to recent reports, the Samsung Epic 4G is now being shipped out with Android 2.3, Gingerbread! While the Epic 4G is no longer a 'new' smartphone, it's still a popular choice and is still a powerful smartphone. Current users of the Epic 4G will still be stuck with Android 2.2, and Sprint has yet to release any news on whether and update will be coming.
Paypal and Nexus S Pairs Up
Looks like it's not just the smartphone market that's heating up, Paypal is none to happy about Google Wallet and has paired up with the Nexus S to unveil a smartphone to smartphone mobile payment plan. The Near Field Communications (NFC) wireless technology that was debuted alongside the Nexus S
was used by Paypal to demonstrate their new mobile application. This announcement has come one month after the announcement of Google Wallet.
The technology is extremely simple to use, put to NFC capable devices near each other and use the Android widget to have the payment process between the two. This is good news for Samsung as there currently aren't many NFC compatible devices available to the market, with the Nexus S being the prime smartphone with the technology. Other 4G smartphones are following suit, but the Nexus S definitely has the lead over its competitors.
Amazon Tablet in October?
It looks like Amazon has decided to enter into the Android powered tablet market, creating new competitor for Samsung, as well as Apple, HTC, Motorola and LG. Though nothing solid has been released yet, rumor is that it will be roughly 9 inches, feature the latest version of Android, powered by a quad core processor and may have a front facing camera. Whether it will be WiFi only or will have a carrier attached is also a mystery, as well as the price.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Gingerbread for Samsung Galaxy S!
Rejoice T-Mobile UK subscribers, for Gingerbread has arrived for the Samsung Galaxy S, at least according to their forum announcement. It looks
like Samsung is keeping their promise regarding continued support around the Galaxy S device, and hopefully this means folks across the ocean will also start seeing their updates as well. The Froyo update took longer than expected and Gingerbread actually feels like it's come about sooner. Unfortunately it hasn't been announced on whether it's over the air or if Samsung Kies software is required. Judging by the fact that the post is just a very simple post, one can only surmise that it is an over the air update.
HTC Sensation vs. Samsung Galaxy S2
Both the HTC Sensation and the Samsung Galaxy S2 are extremely powerful smartphones, but which one's better? This comparative review looks at the design, display, performance, user interface, and features of the two smartphones and lists out which smartphone is better. Check out the HTC Sensation vs. Samsung Galaxy S2 comparison.
Samsung Galaxy S2 Available Through Bell
It looks like Canada is now among the list of countries that will have the Samsung Galaxy S2
available in their line up of smartphones, through Bell. The current rumored release date is July 21st. While originally rumored to be released on the 14th, it seems this week delay is to ensure that Bell has enough Galaxy S2 smartphones in their inventory before they release it to the market. A wise plan.
Samsung Hercules on T-Mobile in Late September?
The heavily rumored powerhouse smartphone from Samsung, the Samsung Hercules is rumored to be released in late September through T-Mobile USA. Rumors are swirling on whether the Hercules will be a T-Mobile branded Samsung Galaxy S2
or if it will be a rebranded Samsung Infuse
. If it's the former, T-Mobile will once again be the first major U.S. carrier to release the Galaxy S series smartphone. If it's the latter, the Hercules may end up being a disappointment for most folks.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Samsung Nexus Prime?
It looks like the Nexus One
and Nexus S
will have a successor soon, currently labeled the Nexus Prime. The current rumors have targeted HTC or Samsung as the manufacturer of the next Nexus and it seems there's more and more noise regarding the Nexus Prime and Nexus 3.
The Samsung Romania Twitter account supposedly tweeted that the next Nexus would have a 1280x720 Super AMOLED HD touchscreen and Android 4.0. The tweets quickly disappeared and Samsung representatives claimed it was from an outside source, not Samsung. Whether it will have Google+ integration has yet to be seen. This may very well be the Nexus Prime.
Google may actually be trying to release more than one Nexus branded smartphone at a time, and the current rumor is that the Nexus 3, created by HTC will feature a Google+ button, very much similar to the Facebook button found on the ChaCha and Salsa. This could be the split between the Nexus 3 and Nexus Prime, as well as the reason for conflicting rumors flying around. The image below is from a Facebook fan page for Google+.
If these rumors turn out to be true, that means there will be two Nexus branded smartphones coming out in the near future, loaded with stock Android 4.0, and more powerful than the current Samsung Galaxy S2. Quite an exciting future to look forward to for smartphones.
The Samsung Romania Twitter account supposedly tweeted that the next Nexus would have a 1280x720 Super AMOLED HD touchscreen and Android 4.0. The tweets quickly disappeared and Samsung representatives claimed it was from an outside source, not Samsung. Whether it will have Google+ integration has yet to be seen. This may very well be the Nexus Prime.
Google may actually be trying to release more than one Nexus branded smartphone at a time, and the current rumor is that the Nexus 3, created by HTC will feature a Google+ button, very much similar to the Facebook button found on the ChaCha and Salsa. This could be the split between the Nexus 3 and Nexus Prime, as well as the reason for conflicting rumors flying around. The image below is from a Facebook fan page for Google+.
If these rumors turn out to be true, that means there will be two Nexus branded smartphones coming out in the near future, loaded with stock Android 4.0, and more powerful than the current Samsung Galaxy S2. Quite an exciting future to look forward to for smartphones.
Windows Phone 7 Galaxy S 2
The Windows Phone 7 version of the Samsung Galaxy S 2 was shown off at Microsoft’s Worldwide Partner conference. Most people were expecting a boring round table talk with partners but the shining piece of news was the reveal of the Samsung Galaxy S 2 preloaded with Windows Phone 7! Actually let's take a step back.
Samsung Galaxy Loses Leader
The Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of Samsung Omar Khan, has stepped down to join Citibank. This is a huge blow to the Samsung Mobile division, especially the Galaxy Android series as he was a vital proponent in its success. He was an instrumental part in getting the Galaxy series, mainly the Samsung Galaxy S
, into North America and improved the strategic relationships between Samsung and U.S. telecommunication carriers.
Apple Files Another ITC Complaint!
Apple has sent another ITC Complaint for Patent Infringement, the first one was against Samsung and this latest one is against HTC. It's very similar to the complaint made against Samsung and they're trying to stop the importation of HTC smartphones and tablets into the U.S. The Samsung Galaxy News Blog was curious as to when Apple would start going after other manufacturers and it looks like Apple has started their expansion.
This could put many Droid series phones and the HTC Flyer
in danger if it is allowed to go through. HTC, like Samsung, has denied any allegations of wrong doing.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Another Samsung Infuse 4G Review
The Samsung Infuse
is technically not a Galaxy line up smartphone, but it's so similar and follows in the footsteps of the AT&T Captivate
that this review has to go on here. The Samsung Infuse 4G is AT&T's first foray into the 4G market. While it's not a true 4G LTE smartphone, AT&T is following in the footsteps of T-Mobile and calling their HSPA+ network, 4G. The Infuse is somewhat of a successor to AT&T's version of the Samsung Galaxy S, the Samsung Captivate. Featuring a beautiful large screen and a slim exterior, the Infuse hopes to capture the market that wants to move on to the next big smartphone.
Top Five Samsung Galaxy S Tips and Tricks
The Samsung Galaxy S has been around for a year now, and fans around the world still like to use it as their smartphone of choice. You might feel that the Samsung Galaxy S has some limitations, or feel that you're missing out on the full experience. Don't hop on over to the Samsung Galaxy S 2 just because you feel the Galaxy S isn't giving you all you need, try these top five tips and tricks to enhance your experience first. If you're in the U.S. use these top five tips and tricks to satiate your hunger for the Galaxy S 2.
Triple Tablet Giveaway!
ComputerWorld is having a Triple Tablet Giveaway and the first tablet being given away for free is the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1
! Why are you still reading this? Head on over to the blog post on Computer World to see the details on how to enter!
Apple Sheds Samsung as Supplier
Apple has heavily used Samsung as its parts supplier prior to the release of the Samsung Galaxy S
. It was a well managed relationship, but it seems recent events, such as the suing and counter suing by both companies is now leading to a strain in the supplier relationship. Apple is shifting away from using Samsung as its suppliers for display screens, processor chips and flash memory components.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Samsung Galaxy S2 Review
The Samsung Galaxy S2
has been one of the most highly anticipated smartphones to be released. Samsung was originally known as a decent, Korean electronics company that also released smartphones. It wasn't until the Samsung Galaxy S came out that Samsung truly began their domination of the smartphone market. Now, the Galaxy S2 looks to take on the throne.
Samsung Galaxy Gio for Bell in August
According to MobileSyrup, the Samsung Galaxy Gio is slated to be released to Bell in August. Bell has been on a streak announcing their summer Android line up which includes the HTC Sensation
, Wildfire S, Incredible S, and now the Samsung Galaxy Gio. The Samsung Galaxy Gio isn't the most impressive smartphone in that line up, with a 3.2 inch touchscreen display, 3 megapixel camera and WiFi, but it might be a decent smartphone for the mid-range line up.
Friday, July 8, 2011
HTC EVO 3D vs. Samsung Galaxy S2
Samsung Galaxy S2 Available on Telstra
It looks like the Samsung Galaxy S2 will be making its landing into Australia through the carrier Telstra on July 26th. While the smartphone has already been released in Korea, Europe and India, this target date of July 26th will be its first entry into Australia. Looks like the global domination of the Samsung Galaxy S2 continues! Hopefully the U.S. market is coming up soon!
Samsung Dart Reviewed
The Samsung Dart
is the U.S. variant of the Samsung Galaxy Mini
, currently available through T-Mobile. It's definitely a miniaturized version of the Galaxy on the outside, but is it any good on the inside? Read the in-depth review found below to see if the Dart is worth picking up.
Samsung Dart Reviewed - Hitting the Bullseye or Missing the Mark?
Samsung Epic 4G - Gingerbread Soon?
According to Sprintfeed, July is the month that will grace the Samsung Epic 4G
with Gingerbread. For those who can't remember what the Epic 4G is, it's the Samsung Galaxy S variant released on Sprint. One has to wonder how many problems might arise that will delay the update, considering the FroYo update caused some headaches. Hopefully the Gingerbread update will come and go smoothly, as the last thing Samsung will want is another hiccup in the U.S. market.
Samsung - Facing U.S. Troubles
It's been over two months since the Samsung Galaxy S2
was released in its native home of Korea and Europe but it still has to make a landing in the U.S. The biggest question is, why? Why is it taking so long for the Samsung Galaxy S2 to arrive to the United States. They've already seemingly given each version of the Galaxy S2 a brand for each U.S. carrier and yet the phone still seems to be far from within reach. Read more after the break.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Samsung Galaxy Mini Now Available in the U.S.
The Samsung Galaxy Mini
has silently made its debut in the U.S. through T-Mobile. For those wondering, the Samsung Dart is the rebranded Galaxy Mini being offered through T-Mobile. Coming at a cheap price of free, after signing a 2 year contract, the Dart
is looking to expand Samsung's dominance into the entry level market.
Expect a review of the Samsung Dart soon, on the Samsung Galaxy News Blog.
Windows Galaxy?
Rumors are abound that the Samsung Galaxy S
series will have a counterpart with Windows Phone 7 preloaded rather than Android. If this true, Samsung is walking down quite the slippery path. By expanding into Windows Phone 7, they are finding a new opportunity for expansion, but at the same time, they're having their own product compete against itself. With the Samsung Galaxy S2
hitting 3 million sales, half of which was domestic in Korea, they've taken over quite the market. Releasing a variant of the Galaxy that has Windows Phone 7 may harm their way towards global market domination.
In addition, Windows Phone 7 market share is on the decline already, and one has to wonder if it's worth it for Samsung to even try aiming at this already dying market. While the operating system is innovative, sleek and clean, it's a few years too late into the market. Samsung could shine in Microsoft's eyes if they can grab a market share, but at the same time, they could just be blowing money away.
In addition, Windows Phone 7 market share is on the decline already, and one has to wonder if it's worth it for Samsung to even try aiming at this already dying market. While the operating system is innovative, sleek and clean, it's a few years too late into the market. Samsung could shine in Microsoft's eyes if they can grab a market share, but at the same time, they could just be blowing money away.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Apple Trying to Ban Samsung Galaxy Products?
Apple has been hammering away at Samsung with lawsuits against a variety of Samsung Galaxy smartphones, including the original Galaxy S, and the newer releases as well, such as the Droid Charge
. Apple is stating that Samsung is merely copying them and not innovating or creating innovation, which to a certain degree may seem true. Samsung's TouchWiz overlay that was featured on the Samsung Galaxy S did give it a more 'iOS' like feel but to point the finger at Samsung and sue them is a bit much.
Samsung Galaxy S2 - The Best Selling Smartphone from Samsung
In just a mere 55 days, Samsung has sold 3 million units of the Samsung Galaxy S2
. That's a staggering number and a great sign for Samsung to continue using the Galaxy label for their smartphones. The high end smartphone featuring a dual core processor, Android 2.3 and a Super AMOLED Plus screen from Samsung definitely has all the features to capture the market.
One can only wonder what the four variants for the four large U.S. carriers will look like for the Samsung Galaxy S2. Once they are released, expect those numbers to boost up quite a bit.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
And We're Back!
After a bit of delay caused by travel, work and a broken down computer, things are well again at the Samsung Galaxy News Blog. Expect some more news and reviews of Samsung Galaxy products going forward!
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