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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Apple Trying to Ban Samsung Galaxy Products?

Apple has been hammering away at Samsung with lawsuits against a variety of Samsung Galaxy smartphones, including the original Galaxy S, and the newer releases as well, such as the Droid Charge.  Apple is stating that Samsung is merely copying them and not innovating or creating innovation, which to a certain degree may seem true.  Samsung's TouchWiz overlay that was featured on the Samsung Galaxy S did give it a more 'iOS' like feel but to point the finger at Samsung and sue them is a bit much.

However, it doesn't just stop at the lawsuit, Apple has filed an ITC complaint against Samsung and is trying to stop the importation of the Galaxy line up of smartphones as well as the Galaxy Tab 10.1.  This war between Apple and Samsung is really heating up and hopefully it won't cause Samsung to back out of the U.S. market, especially with how hot they currently are.  It's strange that Apple isn't going after the likes of HTC, Motorola or even Windows Phone 7 for having such similarly designed technology.

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